Here is the latest on the book! Today, January 25, 2008, I did my design call with my production team for the book. We set the front and back covers and the inside of the book. The font size and type were set, as well as each chapter and page layout. It will take the team about two to three weeks(or less)to put it all together. They will then send me the galleys for my okay. Once I okay everything and sign off on a pricing agreement, the book goes to print. The "live"(for sale)book should be ready around the end of February. Give or take a couple of days. Can't wait!
In the mean time, here is a "NEW" teaser from the book. Enjoy!
After a short period of time, Shang emerged from the lava and hovered over the pool. At that very instant, the 767 airliner was making it's final descent. As it approached the area where Shang was, one of the passengers looking out the starboard side window shouted, "holy shit, what is that?" At the same time, the pilot reversed the engines for final approach. The sound of the engines startled Shang. As he looked in the direction of the sound, he saw the large flying object. Without a thought, Shang launched a searing hot fireball at the plane. Within seconds, the fireball hit the tail section of the plane. Completely incinerating it. The impact of the fireball knocked the plane off it's flight path. Without the tail and rudder sections, the plane went into a steep dive. There was nothing the pilot could do. As the ground came up faster and faster, it was evident a major disaster was about to unfold.
Excerpt from "Dragon, Book Of Shang",
I can't wait to celebrate with you, when the time comes and your a Hit!
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