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Sunday, October 26, 2008

"Dragon, Book Of Shang" Screenplay, News & Reviews

It's been quite awhile since I have posted any thing to the blog. However, that does not mean things have not been going on. Obviously, I have also been caught up in the global b*lls**t that has ensnared all of us. Political crap, financial garbage, energy screw YOU, the whole nine yards. That has monopolized a good deal of everyone's time, including mine.

On the brighter side though, it gives me great pleasure to announce that I have just finished editing the screenplay for my book, "Dragon, Book Of Shang". My partner and west coast counter part, Dan D, has done a magnificent job putting the screenplay together. Matter of fact, he did such a great job that some studio should be all over this before the holidays. Unless of course they are having major financial probs like all of us. Once this hits the silver screen, it will have YOU begging for the second and third books and movies. YOU can bank that!

Now that the screenplay is a wrap pretty much, I can get on with book 2. I have been making notes and researching and have at least the first 4-5 chapters laid out already. I am thoroughly excited about getting into book 2 full tilt. By the way, if for some reason YOU have not gotten a copy of the book yet, what are YOU waiting for? It would make a great gift for the holidays. YOU would then know what everyone else that has read the book knows, Shang is not Puff, Eragon, or any other light weight fantasy dragon. Shang is "The Black Death"! YOU can order your copy at a variety of places online. Some even have "free" shipping. Here are the links: Dragon, Book of Shang Amazon.com: Dragon: Book of Shang: Books: Bobby Sharpe dragon, book of shang : Books : Target Search Results AbeBooks: Search Results - Bobby Sharpe and Dragon, Book Of Shang Dragon: Book of Shang - Borders - Books, Music and Movies If YOU would like a signed copy from yours truly, YOU can email me at reggae8@aol.com and let me know what YOU want.

Your book is a most amazing page turner. Though fiction is not really my forte, this story and characters thoroughly captured my imagination and curiosity. For a first write, you did an outstanding job Mr. Sharpe. Look forward to the second book. Can't wait!

Professor L. Sprague, Orlando, Fl

If YOU have finished reading the book, send me your review and thoughts. Also, if YOU would like to see some cool dragon pics, go to www.myspace.com/akuasharpe this is my myspace profile page.

Dragons Ruled And Will,